Friday, December 28, 2007


I had a friend over for dinner. I love having people over; I should do it more often. We lit candles in the fireplace, set some throughout the house and table, and plugged in the tree.

We grilled on the patio, had a few drinks (note to self - never buy raspberry vodka again), had ice cream and played some games. The wii is a lot of fun - you can have a lot of ages playing together. While the games aren't groundbreaking, it is nice not having to push 6 controller buttons.

Just a bit ago we said goodbye and the house felt bigger and quieter. I like being around people. Off to blow out the candles...


Crashtest Comic said...

be careful--
alot of people accidentally set fire with candles...especially after raspberry vodka.

A Girl, A Boy, and Me said...

Ha! No, I'm a "safety girl" and the first thing I did was blow them out. I suppose all of the ones in the fireplace could have been safe lit...

Your blog is interesting. Well, gruesome for a Satuday morning, but then I read the words and, it's very interesting.

Simply Curious said...

I never understood how people start fires with a candle or a cigarette and I sit for hours at my fireplace trying to get one to burn.

More on topic, it sounds like you had a great time.

fu said...

hey thanks for the dinner and drinks, sorry about the whole coming out of the bathroom naked thing, I thought you were giving off the get naked now vibe. next time I'll cook.

A Girl, A Boy, and Me said...

SC - where I am it's pretty silly to start a real fire. It's just not that cold. I have a candelabra in the fireplace - lots of different sizes of candles and the all start with a lighter. :D I've never started a real fire on my own aside from Girl Scout Camp.

Ted Velvety - I can normally handle naked men, I was just too awed to do anything but rush you out the door.

fu said...

yeah that happens

Anonymous said...

Sounded like such a nice evening.

I'd be thrilled just to get some alone time in the bathroom.

A Girl, A Boy, and Me said...

Lol, I'll take alone bathroom time, but I'd rather have someone chatty with me.