Tuesday, October 9, 2007

"I just want to be inspired."

Yes, it's a sappy movie quote, but the heart of it is, it's true.

While it's nice to read a well written book or hear music that makes your heart hurt or that grabs and relives a memory or to see a painting that makes your hands impulsivley want to touch it (ever wonder why I visit art galleries and keep my hands behind my back? - once I scared a security guard and myself by almost touching a painting), life isn't about viewing someone else's inspirations, it's about being inspired and making something with your own essence spilling out.

So...inspire me.


Dehlia said...

Hi; I know exactly what you mean. Life is not a spectator sport. We're meant to get involved To do,to be. To create our own individual works of art to say hey world I am here and this is what I am. Love reading your blog will be back to visit often. Would like you to visit my blog too and let me know what you think.beWitching-delhia.blogspot.com

jon be me said...

I like your profile...

That is, I enjoy comedies the most too. Anything that makes us laugh, right! Laughing is good, but so can everything else be...

Music,...yea, that eastern music can be very enticing...

Inspiration? I get it from within and from without...it is all around us and in us all... :)

Good luck in your journey called life!

"Luv your children"

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!