Monday, May 12, 2008

Did I tell you I went red?

But it was short was really, really bright. And I'm not wearing make up - it makes me look very, very pink!

But I'm now back to dark brown. Strange how it came back full circle to brown... this is as unflattering a hairstyle as any I've ever tried.... it's also a little dark for me. And I think I hate the glasses. A new pair is being delivered.


Joeprah said...

I like the natural brown look all the way.

A Girl, A Boy, and Me said...

I'm not sure it's my "natural" color of brown. I haven't had virgin hair in over a decade... But thanks. :D

elims Chuang Kuang Hong 庄光宏 said...

Be yourself, and accept it as the most pretty gift by GOD, appreciation will make us look nicer and better~!

Good luck and enjoy life~ smile~ ^_^