The prettiest girl in the world. And I'm not saying that because I'm her mom... behind her is my little patch of ground and tiny sprouts of morning glories. I'm hoping they take off and can crawl up the wall. The vines there would look nicer covered up with flowers.

These were all taken with the girl's cheapie digital camera so the clarity isn't up to par. I also noticed her lense is all fingers. But it's light and easy to carry, not like my monster.
Oh my God! They are the prettiest cupcakes I have ever seen! Honestly when you said you make them I assumed they all have a tiny blob of icing on them. That tray is a masterpiece!
Your daughter is seriously pretty. I'd be worried when she hits the teenage years. Talk about a beautiful heartbreaker. I feel sorry for all of the boys I really do.
Elise - thanks for the cupcake comments. I wasn't really happy with the results, so thit was nice to read your compliments. It's been too long since I practiced.
The girl is sweet too. She has a pleasant disposition. Her teacher has a mailbox and stationary for the kids to write each other notes and almost all of the ones she recieves read "I love you". It's nice to know she is well liked, but it is also a little unsetteling.
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