Thursday, May 22, 2008
Road trip!
So a road trip it is! My great auntie is having a party and we are invited, I'm am positive it will be fab.
Right now I have a bit of nerves, here in So Cal Big Bear got snow, Orange got hail and roads are flooding, so do keep happy thoughts that I have an easy six hour drive. Just 6 months from now and the boy can get a permit to help out. Maybe... I just need to get out there and see the road and just do it.
I am now selecting my wardrobe and jewelry. Sheesh, I haven't worn jewelry in a couple years! I think I might be low maintenance. Or neglecting myself.
So hoping you all have a wondertastic long weekend. See you next week (unless something B.I.G. happens and I jump on grandma's laptop).
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
If anyone has a cure, let me know...
I'd love a martini lunch.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Yipee! The car is finished!
Here is a tip so you know your car has "issues":
You know the service department. You know all of their names, you know the different shuttle drivers names, you know when someone has transferred and they all know your voice when you call. Your service department is programmed into your cell phone and you know "your guy's" schedule.
I'm not bitter! This experience has made me meet people I wouldn't otherwise have met.
Manic Monday
I like my car. Not love it, just like it. It is one of those first year models, first off the production line and needs a lot of warranty attention. Today is a computer part replacement for the TPMS, a new seal on one of the doors, the circuits checked for the i-pod (a horrible buzzing sounds when you use the i-pod and the headlights), and the new key doesn't work right (they broke one, and replaced it). I know you are wanting my life. :-P This car will hopefully be passed to the boy for his use in a year or so. If he can have a car at college, it may go with him.
TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) is a device I just hate. It constant flashes on my dashboard. Then I get out, check the tires and make any adjustments if necessary (usually none are needed), but this time, the light would not go off. It's a little stressful having your car tell you there is a tire problem when there is not one I can see. My brother said at his friend's business, they disengage the device because it upsets the customers (it's a turn your car into a custom car business). I wish mine would magically disengage. I'm not brave enough to drive knowing it's off. But I hate the warning light. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this is the last repair it needs.
And it's hot this morning. Warm I like, but this is simply, hot.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Another Delightful Day
After church, we dropped the boy off at his study group and the girl and I headed for the shopping mecca of Orange Country for white tennis shoes for a cheer performance later this week. She needed regular shoes for school too, so I got her whatever her heart Converse that glow in the dark with a space monkey on them. The coolest of the cool!
We bought her a couple bathing suits and swim shirts for camp (which now I'm thinking some will need to be returned and some will need to be exchanged), and finished with lunch at Boudin, and played with the boutique perfumes at Nordstrom. The saleswoman was very nice when I told her we were just fooling around. However, I did find a spicy scent that I will now shop online to find the price (the boutique does not have prices on their items).
Found it! Annick Goutal 'Mandragore' Eau de Toilette - here is the description:
In this rare and subtly vibrant perfume, the freshness of bergamot, black pepper, spearmint and star anis oil gives way to a dizzying host of sensual delights. These top notes create an immediate impression of strength and vitality, enhanced by boxwood, ginger and mandrake.
It had a spicy scent on my skin, that mellowed to a soft warm glow after a few minutes. I think I may put it on my Christmas list.
I could spend all day admiring the bottles, colors and scents. Much more fun than shopping for a handbag.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
What to do today?
When I got back home, I fed the girl a bowl of fruit and we went BACK to bed to watch cartoons. Eventually I showered and brought her over to ice skating.
I'd like a nap about now...but if I fall asleep, I'll be whiny and get a headache. I wish I had my feet in a kiddie pool on the front lawn and a big Long Island in my hands. I'm not in the mood for dealing with sand in the car...
Just a lazy afternoon.
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Lovely Day in the Neighborhood
This evening after work, I took the girl to the grocery store and told her "pick whatever you want for dinner that doesn't involve cooking". We came home with a chicken and fresh tropical fruit salad and some how four packs of gum. Girls who are hungry and without a plan shop strangely.
After dinner we abandoned our mess and and strolled over to the park where she played with a variety of children and I laid back with a new magazine. It's the perfect location, with a beautiful view of the ocean.
We got home at 8:30 and I cleaned up the mess and thought to check in. I like the past boyfriend stories, so keep them coming.
Mine feels very personal, it was one of those things where one day you are friends and the next you're making out. There wasn't really an "ending", so it was one of those things that always felt sweet in my heart. One of my most vivid memories is of him teasing me for my terrible singing voice. And before that laughing because I made a Mercedes sign instead of a peace sign on a notebook cover. And how music reminds me of him - hearing anything from that era always brings me back to a younger time. When I see pink high tops, I remember the ones he wrote over and signed. I kept them for about 10 years and in one of the last moves they were lost. I suppose if there had been a tragic series of breakups, cheating and lying, it would all feel different. But it was just "over". He was beautiful - kind of lanky, an inch or so taller than me with amazing dark curly hair. I remember pulling some of the curls and watching them "boing" back up. Definitely one of the smartest boys I've known and I'm think he is one of the smartest men I've communicated with as well. He was one of those cool laid back kids whereas I was a little too loud, silly and obnoxious. I was desperate to be the bad girl and failed miserably. I still try to be the bad girl and am still too loud, silly and obnoxious. I suppose some things never really change.
The night is ending, I've put the girl to bed and I'm waiting for the boy to come home from his night out.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I have a wonderful friend from my childhood who I don't email or talk to enough, but she is in my thoughts often. Whenever fate puts us in the same sport, we have always just picked up where we left off. Will it be the same - easy going and chatty? Or will the shock of seeing someone you knew at 15 turn 35 make us akward?
In any event it is something to look forward to in a month's time.
Who was your high school sweetheart?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The girl pointed out last night
Monday, May 12, 2008
Did I tell you I went red?
Who smells like a stripper?
Dolce&Gabbana - the one
L, a L.A.M.B. Fragrance by Gwen Stefani
Amariage de Givenchy
I sadly returned Amariage to the shelf and walked out the door with the one and L. Yes, I am not good at ignoring impulses. I know that. Everyone knows that about me! Feeling very spoiled right now.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hi! I've been around - just not in blog world
Chillin' out with some hot chocolate. Yes, by now the hair is a mess. :D
The parties are over! It is strange saying I have a 15 and 6 year old. Makes me feel very old.
The end of the school year is a whirlwind and we are all suffering for it. The girl is finishing her k end of the year project and to be honest - I'm really worried! She is doing such a beautiful job, I'm terrified her teacher will say I helped! She has accused me in the past for doing the girl's work. How weird is that? Like I have nothing better to do than paint diorama's about a mammal in South America...I wish her project looked more immature.
The boy has not been dealing with AP's and finals very well. He gets bad stomach aches and bemoans his grades - A "B"??? How can I live with a B??? My future is over because I have a B!!!!! I tell him it's not the end of the world and sheesh what does it matter if you are doing your best and get a B, but he beats himself up over it. His goal is Berkeley and he feels if he gets a B, he has no chance. Sort of weird to have your teen parent themselves.
I talked to my grandmother and whee!!! We are having an unplanned trip to see her and then see my great auntie for her birthday. She is so special to me that my little girl is named after her. I am not going to think about the price of gas there and back.
I haven't been writing much, mostly because there hasn't been anything news worthy. I go to work, come home and once or twice a week take the kids to ice skating (the girl won 8 events out of 8 events at her first competition - 4 golds and 4 silvers!). The girl started cheer and seems to really love it. It's community cheer so everyone is welcome, not try outs, and a fair price. If she still loves it by the end of soccer season, I'll let her got into competition cheer. I suppose her 3 years of gymnastics should come in handy.
I went to the Getty Malibu last weekend and almost started crying my eyes out at a statue. I think it is funny how I can see 300 statues and be fine and then see one that makes me all emotional. The kids listened to some live music and I took the tour headphones and saw EVERYTHING on my own. It was so nice to be totally absorbed. Later, the boy pointed out in Greek and Roman times that there must not have been penis envy as everything was in normal proportions to the size of the statue. Personally, I thought everything was on the small side, but I didn't want to give anyone a complex. The girl never pointed out that area, but she would get all pretend embarrassed when she saw a butt.
Alright Liz and MJ, I think I have caught you both up to the present. And if anyone else still reads, I apologize for the giant gaps.
For those with kids unexposed to Hannah Montana, just take a moment of silence and be grateful. I have her albums in my head ALL the time.